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Course Renumbering

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Abbreviation Description
MEDM Medical Masters/Prof Doctoral
DIV Divinity
DUS Div of Unclassified Studies
DUSV Div of Unclassified Std
ENGP Engineering-Professional
GRAD Graduate
GSM Owen Management
MEDD Medical Doctor
NURS Nursing
PBDP Peabody-Professional
UGRD Undergraduate
CN Consortium
DD Divinity Doctorate

Academic Group

Abbreviation Description
A&S College of Arts and Science
BLAIR Blair School of Music
DIV Divinity School
AH Allied Health
ENGIN School of Engineering
GS Graduate School
LAW Law School
MED School of Medicine
NURS School of Nursing
OGSM Owen Grad School of Management
PBDY Peabody College
TSU Tennessee State University
FISK Fisk University
MEHRY Meharry Medical College
DUS Division Unclassified Studies
SC Scarritt
LU Lipscomb
VANDY Vanderbilt Group
SEW Sewanee: The Univ of the South

Subject Area

Abbreviation Description Academic Org Formal Description
BCHM-GS Biochemistry (GS) BCHMG Biochemistry (GS)
BIO-FK Biology (FK) FISKORG Biology (FK)
BIOS Biostatistics BIOS Biostatistics
BME Biomedical Engr BME Biomedical Engineering
BMI Biomed Informatics-MED MED Biomed Informatics-MED
BMIF Biomed Informatics (GS) BMIF Biomedical Informatics (GS)
BSCI Biological Sciences BSCI Biological Sciences
CABI Cancer Biology (MED) MED Cancer Biology (MED)
CAMB VU-in-Cambridge DEANP VU-in-Cambridge
CANB Cancer Biology (GS) CANB Cancer Biology (GS)
CBIO-GS Cell Biology CBIO Cell Biology
CBIO Cell&Devel Biology (MED) MED Cell and Developmental Biology (MED)
CDB Cell&Devel Biology (GS) CDBG Cell and Developmental Biology (GS)
CE Civil Engineering CEE Civil Engineering
CE-SC Christian Educ(Sc) SCAR Christian Educ(Sc)
CHCM Church&Community(Sc) SCAR Church and Community(Sc)
CHE Chemical Engineering CHBE Chemical Engineering
CHEM Chemistry CHEM Chemistry
CL Church Lit (Sc) SCAR Church Literature (Sc)
CLAS Classics CLAS Classics
CLAS-GS Classical Studies (GS) CLASG Classical Studies (GS)
CLT-GS Comparative Literature (GS) CLTG Comparative Literature (GS)
CMPE Computer Engineering EECS Computer Engineering
CMST Communicatn Studies CMTR Communication Studies
CPBP Chemical&Physical Bi CPBP Chemical and Physical Biology
CS Computer Science EECS Computer Science
CSCI Fisk Computer Scienc FISKORG Fisk Computer Science
CSET Commun Sci&Tech CSET Communication of Science and Technology
CTLN Catalan SP&P Catalan
DEN Peabody In Denmark DEANP Peabody In Denmark
DIV Divinity DIV Divinity
DRAM Drama (Sc) SCAR Drama (Sc)
ECON Economics ECON Economics
ECON-FK Economics (FK) FISKORG Economics (FK)
EECE Electrical &Comput Engr EECS Electrical & Computer Engineering
EES Earth&Environ Sci EES Earth and Environmental Sciences
EM Emergency Medicine MED Emergency Medicine
EMGT Executive Management EMBA Executive Management
EMT Emergency Medical Tr DEANA Emergency Medical Training
ENGL English ENGL English
ENGL-FK English (FK) FISKORG English (FK)
ENGM Engineering Mgmt EECS Engineering Management
ENVE Environmental Engr CEE Environmental Engineering
ES Engineering Science DEANE Engineering Science
EUS European Studies EUS European Studies
EVAN Evangelism (Sc) SCAR Evangelism (Sc)
EWRE Env & Water Res CEE Environment and Water Reserves
FCHM Chemistry (FK) FISKORG Chemistry (FK)
FFR French (FK) FISKORG French (FK)
FHCA Fisk Health Care Adm FISKORG Fisk Health Care Administration
FNEC Financial Economics MGRL Financial Economics
FNTB Foreign Progs-Blair BLR Foreign Programs-Blair
FNTE Foreign Progs-Eng DEANE Foreign Programs-Engineering
FNTM Foreign Program Work DEANA Foreign Program Work
FPHY Physics (FK) FISKORG Physics (FK)
FREN French FR&I French
GER German GMSL German
GNEL General Elective DEANA General Elective
GRK Greek CLAS Greek
HART History Of Art HA History Of Art
HCA Health Care Admn(Mh) MEHY Health Care Administration (Mh)
HFA Humanities (FK) FISKORG Humanities (FK)
HGEN Human Genetics HGENG Human Genetics
HIL Humanities In London DEANA Humanities in London
HIST History HIST History
HIST-FK History (FK) FISKORG History (FK)
HOD Human&Organizatl Dev DEANP Human & Organizational Development
HONS Honors DEANA Honors
HRSP Hearing & Speech Sci HRSPG Hearing & Speech Sciences
HUM Humanities-AS DEANA Humanities
IDIS Interdisciplinary-MED MED Interdisciplinary-MED
IGP Interdis Grad Prog IGP Interdisciplinary Grad Programs
IMS Interdis Mtls Sci IMS Interdisciplinary Materials Science
INDS Interdisc Studies-AS DEANA Interdisciplinary Studies
INTE Interdisciplinary (GS) INTEG Interdisciplinary (GS)
ISIL Intl Studies London DEANA International Studies London
ITA Italian FR&I Italian
JS Jewish Studies JS Jewish Studies
LAS Latin Americn Stud LAS Latin American Studies
LAT Latin CLAS Latin
LING-SC Linguistics(Sc) SCAR Linguistics(Sc)
LPO Leadership,Policy&Or DLPO Leadership, Policy & Organization
LWEC Law and Economics LWEC Law and Economics
M&IM Microbiology and Immunology M&IM Microbiology and Immunology
MADM Medical Administratn MED Medical Administration
MATH Mathematics MATH Mathematics
MATH-FK Mathematics (FK) FISKORG Mathematics (FK)
RAMT TherapeuticRadiology MPM Therapeutic Radiology
RAMD Diagnostic Radiology MPM Diagnostic Radiology
EPID Epidemiology EPID Epidemiology
CHBE Chemical and Biomolecular Eng CHBE Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
ASIA Asian Studies ASIA Asian Studies
PUBH Public Health PHM Public Health
MDE Mast Educ Of The Dea HRSPM Education Of The Deaf
ME Mechanical Engr ME Mechanical Engineering
MED Medicine MED Medicine
MGMT Management (FK) FISKORG Management (FK)
MGRL Managerial Studies MGRL Managerial Studies
MGT Management-OWEN MGT Management-OWEN
MHS Medicine, Health, and Society MHS Medicine, Health, and Society
MICR Microbiology-MED MED Microbiology-MED
MICR-GS Microbiology (GS) MICR Microbiology (GS)
MLAS Master Liberal Arts & Science MLAS Master of Liberal Arts and Science
MLI Mast Lab Investigat LIM Laboratory Investigation
MP&B Molec Phys & Biophys MP&BG Molecular Physiology and Biophysics
MS Military Science ROTC Military Science
MSCI Clin Investigation CIM Clinical Investigation
MSE Materials Science & Engineerin DEANE Materials Science & Engineering
MT Mngt Of Technology EECS Management Of Technology
MTED Math Education DTL Math Education
MTLS Materials Sci&Engr-MTLS DEANE Materials Science & Engineering - MTLS
MUSC Composition/Theory BLR Composition/Theory, Musicianship, Keyboard Harmony
MUSE Ensembles BLR Ensembles
MUSL Mus Literature/Hist BLR Music Literature and History
MUSO Other Music Courses BLR Other Music Courses
MUSP Perfrm:Elect&Mus Art BLR Performance Instruction: 1-2 credits
MUSR Perfrm:Blr Perf Mjr BLR Performance Instruction: Perf. Majors, 3-4 credits
MUST Teacher Education BLR Teacher Education
NEUR Neurology MED Neurology
NMED Non-Medical Studies MED Non-Medical Studies
NRSC Nursing Science NRSC Nursing Science
NS Naval Science NRTC Naval Science
NSC Neuroscience NSC Neuroscience
NSCI-FK Natural Science(Fk) FISKORG Natural Science(Fk)
NURO Neuroscience (GS) NURO Neuroscience (GS)
NURS Nursing NURS Nursing
OBGN Obstetrcs&Gynecology MED Obstetrics & Gynecology
OPH Opthalmology MED Opthalmology
ORTH Orthopedics & Rehab MED Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation
OTO Otolaryngology MED Otolaryngology
PATH Pathology-MED MED Pathology-MED
PATH-GS Pathology-GS PATH Pathology-GS
PDPE Policy Dev&Prog Eval DEANP Policy Development &Program Evaluation
PED Pediatrics MED Pediatric Medicine
PHAR Pharmacology-MED MED Pharmacology-MED
PHAR-GS Pharmacology (GS) PHAR Pharmacology (GS)
PHIL Philosophy PHIL Philosophy
PHYS Physics PHYS Physics
PM Preventive Medicine MED Preventive Medicine
PORT Portuguese SP&P Portuguese
PPS Public Policy Studie PPS Public Policy Studies
PRAC Practice Times DEANA Practice Times
PSCI Political Science PSCI Political Science
PSCI-FK Political Science (FK) FISKORG Political Science (FK)
PSIO Physiology-MED MED Physiology-MED
PSIO-GS Physiology (GS) PSIOG Physiology (GS)
PSY Psychology (AS) PSY Psychology (AS)
PSY-FK Psychology (FK) FISKORG Psychology (FK)
PSY-PC Psychology-PC DPHD Psychology-PC
PSYCH Psychiatry MED Psychiatry
RAD Radiology MED Radiology
RADO Radiation Oncology MED Radiation Oncology
REL Religion REL Religion
RLST Religious Studies RLST Religious Studies
RLST-FK Religion (FK) FISKORG Religion (FK)
RUSS Russian GMSL Russian
SCED Science Education DTL Science Education
SLP Speech Language Path HRSPM Speech Language Pathology
SOC Sociology SOC Sociology
SOC-FK Sociology (FK) FISKORG Sociology (FK)
SPAN Spanish SP&P Spanish
SPED Special Education DSE Special Education
SRSL Senior Scholar DEANA Senior Scholar
SSED Social Studies Ed DTL Social Studies Education
SSTU-FK Soc Study/Anthro(Fk) FISKORG Social Study/Anthropology (Fk)
SURG Surgery MED Surgery
SWE Social Work (Sc) SCAR Social Work (Sc)
THTR Theatre THTR Theatre
VIF Vanderbilt-in-France DEANA Vanderbilt-in-France
VIG Vanderbilt-Germany DEANA Vanderbilt-Germany
VIS Vanderbilt-in-Spain DEANA Vanderbilt-in-Spain
VIT Vanderbilt-Italy DEANA Vanderbilt-Italy
WGS Women's & Gender Studies WGS Women's and Gender Studies
WMST Womens Studies(Sc) SCAR Womens Studies(Sc)
WSKL Wilderness Skills DEANA Wilderness Skills
AADS African Amer Diaspora Studies AADS African American and Diaspora Studies
AERO Air Force ROTC (TSU) TSUORG Air Force Rotc (Tsu)
AMER American Studies AMER American Studies
AMUS Applied Music(Sc) SCAR Applied Music(Sc)
ANAT Anatomy-MED MED Anatomy-MED
ANAT-GS Anatomy-GS ANAT Anatomy-GS
ANES Anesthesiology MED Anesthesiology
ANTH Anthropology ANTH Anthropology
ARA Arabic RLST Arabic
ART-FK Art (Fisk) FISKORG Art (Fisk)
ARTS Art Studio FA Art Studio
ASGS Acad Support Grad St MEHY Acad Support Grad Studies
ASTR Astronomy PHYS Astronomy
AUD Audiology HRSPM Audiology
BCH Biochemistry (Mh) MEHY Biochemistry (Mh)
BCHM Biochemistry-MED MED Biochemistry-MED
MHPE HealthProfEduc HPEM Health Professions Education
NANO Nanosci and Nanotech ENGRORG Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
ENVS Environmental/Sustain Studies ENVS Environmental and Sustainability Studies
SLS Second Language Studies DEANA Second Language Studies
LATS Latino and Latina Studies LATS Latino and Latina Studies
JAPN Japanese ASIA Japanese
HODI H&OD: Internatl Leadshp&Policy DLPO H&OD: International Leadership and Policy
SPEDE Special Educ & Early Childhood DSE Special Education: Early Childhood Education
UNIV University Courses UROORG University Courses
PSY-GS Psy & Hum Dev (GS) DPHD Psychology and Human Development (GS)
EDUC Education DTL Education
FLED Forgn Language Educ ENED Foreign Language Education
VIGH Global Health - MEDM MED Global Health
PHYS-FK Physics (FK) FISKORG Physics (FK)
HEBR Hebrew JS Hebrew
HODC H&OD: Commun Leadshp & Develmt DHOD H&OD: Community Leadership and Development
HODE H&OD: Education Policy DLPO H&OD: Education Policy
DANC Dance History BLR Dance History
SPEDG Special Education: Gifted DSE Special Education: Gifted
VV Vanderbilt Visions VV Vanderbilt Visions
SC Scientific Computing ENGRORG Scientific Computing
HEA Higher Education Administratio DLPO Higher Education Administration
EDP Education Policy DLPO Education Policy
IEPM Intnl Edu and Policy Mgmt DLPO International Education and Policy Management
ELP Educational Leadership and Pol DLPO Educational Leadership and Policy
EHLP Education and Higher Education DLPO Education and Higher Education Leadership and Poli
PVUA Peabody Vanderbilt Abroad DEANP Peabody Vanderbilt Abroad
CHIN Chinese ASIA Chinese
HODL H&OD: Leadshp&Organizal Effect DLPO H&OD: Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness
SPEDS Special Education: Severe DSE Special Education Multiple and Severe Disabilities
CMA Cinema and Media Arts CMA Cinema and Media Arts
NUTR Nutrition NURS Nutrition
IGHM Global Health - MEDD MED Global Health (MD)
HDC Human Dev Counseling DHOD Human Development Counseling
RCRG Responsible Conduct in Researc DEANG Responsible Conduct in Research
MSTP Medical Scientist Training Pro MSTP Medical Scientist Training Prog
PMR Physical Med & Rehabilitation MED Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
HODH H&OD: Health & Human Services DHOD H&OD: Health and Human Services
NS-PC Naval Science - Peabody DEANP Naval Science - Peabody
ISL Independent School Leadership DLPO Independent School Leadership
SPEDH Special Edu: High Incidence DSE Special Education: High Incidence
ENED English Education ENED English Education
HMED Humanities Education-PC ENED Humanities Education-PC
LOP Leadership and Organizational DLPO Leadership and Organizational Performance
HLP Higher Ed Ldrshp and Policy DLPO Higher Education Leadership and Policy
PINX Pbdy Summer Internship DEANP Peabody Summer Interndhip Experience
MS-PC Military Science-PC DEANP Military Science-PC
SPEDV Special Education: Vision DSE Special Education: Visual Impairments